About Us

About us

Why Choose BPO ZONES?

We have a proven process to help you move your business forward and we are with you in every step forward.

Our highly professional staff ensures your satisfaction.

Intensive staff training is provided for all departments and all types of projects.

Quality control systems that focus on fulfilling clients’ quality requirements.

We always respect the needs of clients, their culture, identity, and objectives.

Our dedicated team is passionate about opportunities and finding solutions to complex business challenges.

We put a lot of effort into developing relationships with our clients.

We help our clients stay competitive in developing business solutions while being side by side toward their success.

We always make sure to support women and people with disabilities to empower them in improving their quality of life mentally and financially.

We’re available in multiple channels, you can reach us 24/7 by any of your preferred channels, emails, phone calls, text, instant messaging

Our Social Responsibility Impact

We are proud of being a business process outsourcing company who are socially responsible.

All of our employees in our location are under appropriate special care and benefits .

We help thousands of families in Gaza to get a better living conditions, where 90% of our employees are from females, we give them tremendous advantages when compared to the current standards in this country.

Our Data Security Protocols

Ensuring data security and integrity is our FIRST priority as your business process outsourcing partner.
Our data security protocols and policies ensure online document processing is performed within your back office environment using your credentials, which are then shared to an offline document processing system for storage, modification, and deletion as needed, This ensures 100% data integrity with zero possibility of breaches and errors.

We understand your security concerns, and you can ask anytime for our:

  • Data security policy
  • SOA (Statement Of Applicability)
  • Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA)

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